Constructions-Installation and Repairs in the Petrochemical Industry
Oil and gas • Chemical industry • Energy
Reference work performed by Comrep
Shutdown 2017, Revision of Ammonia Plant 3 and 4
Client: Azomures - Group Ameropa by Christof Romania
Project: Shutdown 2017, Revision of Ammonia Plant 3 and 4
Duration: 12 June- 26 July 2017
Localization: Chemical Fertilizer Plant from Azomures, RO
The team of 40 workers, welders, locksmiths, engineers, foremen, safety, quality control, planner.
Ammonia Plant 3:
Mechanical works (dismantled, verified, repaired, assembled components) to 41 heat exchangers, 3 vessels, 4 columns, 4 furnaces, 5 filters, 5 reactors, 10 coolers, 14 separators, 34 isometric piping, valves checked, valves etc .
Ammonia Plant 4:
Mechanical works (dismantled, verified, repaired, assembled) to 28 heat exchangers, vessels, 3 columns, 4 furnaces, 6 filters, 4 reactors, 10 coolers, 4 separators, 4 steam condensers, pipeline isomers, valves, valves.
Static mechanical work in programmed shutdown Vega 2017 Refinery
Project: Static mechanical work in programmed shutdown Vega 2017 Refinery
Duration: May 2017
Localization: Vega Refinery, Rompetrol - Ploiesti, Romania
Work performed in Rectification, Hexane and Hydrogenation installations and works for periodic authorization:
• Mechanical works were performed on exchangers, welds and pipe connections, coolers, hydrogenation reactors, screen dryers, vessels;
- ISCIR authorization: 3 columns, 10 changers, 10 coolers, 4 vessels
- Valves verification
- UT measurements for thickness verification.
Revision Petrotel Lukoil Refinery installations, TAR 2017
Client: Lukoil Romania by Industrial Assembly
Project: Revision Petrotel Lukoil Refinery installations, TAR 2017
Duration: March 2017
Localization: HDS, TAME-MTBE units
Number of equipment under revision: 5 aerators, valves (diaphragms, valves), 4 columns, 29 heat exchangers, 11 vessels, 1 furnace, 3 reactors, pipes (replacements, repairs, authorizations).
Revision Petrobrazi Refinery installations, TAR 2016
Client: OMV Petrom SA
Project: Revision Petrobrazi Refinery installations, TAR 2016
Duration: 28 May- 15 June 2016
Performed works value: 2 mil. EUR
Localization: Catalytic reforming 2, Petrobrazi,Units: HB 120, HP121, HM123/PSA124, RC130, CCR131.
Number of equipments in service: 3 columns, 51 heat exchangers, 7 aerators, 39 vessels, 12 filters, 8 furnaces, 4 reactors, 179 isometric pipelines, 7 compressors, 4 electric motors, 10 pipe connections, 1 regenerator, 1 turbine , valves, instrumentation, electrical works, etc.
Projects, investments:
- LPG Sampling;
- Polyfuel;
- Authorization of new pipelines;
- Replacement of control valves;
- Heat Integr. in Naphta Line Units.
TAR 2015, Revision of the Ammonia Plant 3
Client: Azomures - Group Ameropa by Christof Romania
Project: TAR 2015, Revision of Ammonia Plant 3, pipeline works
Localization: Chemical fertilizer plant from Azomures, RO
Works performed during shutdown: mechanical work on exchangers, vessels, columns, furnaces, reactors, coolers, separators, pipes, metallic structures.
Static mechanical work in programmed shut-down 2015
Project: Static mechanical work in programmed shut-down 2015
Localization: Petromidia Refinery, Rompetrol - Constanta county, Romania
Work performed at pipe rack and pipelines and in the cryogenics, PP, chiller and pyrolysis installations. Works have been performed on exchangers, welds and pipe connections.
Repair works on oil tankers 2013-2017
Client: OMV Petrom SA by Confind Campina
Project: Repair works on oil tankers 2013-2017
Works value: 2.1 mil. EUR and continues to grow by supplementing with new works
Localization: Petrobrazi Refinery, OMV Petrom
Performed works:
- Repairs to the existing foundations of 22+ tanks;
- Creation of new foundations for tanks, civil works for pipelines and technological equipment.
Quality Center Revamp 2015-2017
Client: OMV Petrom SA
Project: Quality Center Revamp 2015-2017 (Rehabilitation of the analysis center of Petrobrazi Refinery Product Quality)
Works value: 3.5 mil EUR
Localization: Petrobrazi Refinery, OMV Petrom
Performed works:
- Design of structures, architecture, electrical systems, industrial utilities, etc.
- Material procurement;
- Expansion of existing structures, controlled drains;
- Architectural and finishing works;
- Electrical works and automation;
- HVAC thermal & utilities, equipments, fire lines.
Construction of a new lift in coking - 2015
Client: OMV Petrom SA
Project: Construction of a new lift in coking - 2015
Works value: 1.3 mil EUR
Localization: Petrobrazi Refinery, OMV Petrom
Performed works:
- Purchasing materials and equipments;
- Prefabrication of metallic structures, stairs, bridges- 10To
- Electrical works and automation;
- Assembling structures, stairs, bridges;
- Assemble new lift and operation
Back-pressure turbine 2014
Client: OMV Petrom SA
Project: Back-pressure turbine 2014
Localization: Petrobrazi Refinery, OMV Petrom
Performed works :
- Execution and assembly of pipes works to and from the Turbo-generator;
- Performance and installation of metal structure for pipelines and turbo-generator hall, 100 To.
ESP Electro-filter 2014
Project: ESP Electro-filter 2014 (Electrostatic precipitator and dust removal system).
Works value: 1.6 mil. EUR
Localization: Petrobrazi Refinery, OMV Petrom
Performed works:
- Purchasing, manufacturing and construction of electro-filter, bunkers, dust silos and electrodes;
- Construction of ammonia tank, collector plates, perforated screeds, transformers
- Installation of the control room, compressed air containers;
- Installation of piping and expansion nozzles;
- Fabrication and assembly of metallic structures, 400 To
LSTK Construction of the Petrobrazi Refinery Medical Center 2014
Client: OMV Petrom SA
Project: LSTK Construction of the Petrobrazi Refinery Medical Center 2014
Localization: Petrobrazi Refinery, OMV Petrom
Performed works:
- Civil engineering works;
- Performance and installation of electrical systems, HVAC and utilities.
Contract for drilling surface works 2011-2015
Client: OMV Petrom SA, Upstream Division
Project: Contract for drilling surface works 2011-2015
Works value: 4,3 mil. EUR
Localization: Gorj, Valcea, Galati, Braila, Bacau counties (Counties from southern and eastern part of Romania)
Performed works:
- Design and obtaining building permits.
- Construction and rehabilitation of drilling platforms access roads to the next new gas and oil wells
- Wells 1782-1783 Tasbuga, Bacau, 2015
- Wells H1, H15, H16 Independenta, Galati, 2014;
- Well 460 Moinesti, Bacau, 2014;
- Wells 81 and 82 Moinesti, Bacau, 2014;
- Wells I37 and I38 Independenta, Galati, 2014;
- Well I2, Tazlau, Bacau, 2013;
- Well 240 Tazlau, Bacau County ROU, 2013
- Well 3028, Bulbuceni, Gorj, 2012
- Wells 1490,1491, Independenta, Galati, 2011-2012
- Wells 1509, 1510, 1511,1512, Independenta, 2012;
- Wells 3018 Bulbuceni, Gorj, 2011;
- Wells 690 Oprisenesti, Braila, 2011;
- Rehabilitation of the access road to Well 1 Bacesti, 2011;
- Well 21 Valeni, Valcea, 2011;
- Rehabilitation of the main road to Valeni commune, Valcea, 2011
Construction of the fire pump house at Petrobrazi Refinery
Client: OMV Petrom SA
Project: Construction of the fire pump house at Petrobrazi Refinery
Duration: 2013
Localization: Petrobrazi, Prahova
Performed works:
- Excavation works, structure foundations and pumps, fabrication and assembly of metallic structures,
- Locks with thermal insulating panels, roof, doors and windows.
Construction of cooling towers at Isomerization and Cogeneration units
Client: OMV Petrom SA
Project: Construction of cooling towers at the isomerization and cogeneration units
Duration: 2013
Localization: Petrobrazi, Prahova
Performed works
- assembly of metal structures, stairs, platforms;
- installation of cooling units;
- installation of pumps, pipelines from 2 "to 16";
- installation of electrical equipment
- installation of inhibitors containers and chemical treatments
Dismantling, packing and load for relocation of Azotic Acid Plant 725 NTD Doljchim
Client: Iremas AB - Lithuania
Project: Dismantling, packing and load for relocation of Azotic Acid Plant 725 NTD Doljchim
Duration: September 2012
Performed works value: 2,2 mil. USD
Localization: Dolljchim Petrochemical Plant, RO
Equipment and disassembled machinery:
- The main ammonia evaporator, steam heaters, recovery boilers,
- heat exchangers, acid coolers, water reaction condenser, acid collector,
- hydrazine reservoirs, adsorption column, denitration column, exhaust gas tower,
- steam turbine, acid pumps, nitric acid reservoirs, metal structures, electrical equipment,
- pipeline networks, recycling materials and equipment, etc
Revision of installations in Petrobrazi Refinery, 2012
Client: OMV Petrom SA
Project: Revision of installations in Petrobrazi Refinery, 2012
Duration: May-June 2012
Performed works value: 2,6 mil. EUR
Localization: Petrobrazi, Prahova
Performed works:
- Mechanical works at RC1, RC2, DGRS units- HP 121, HP 120, HM 123, RC 130 , RC 200, RC 400, RC 500 installations;
- Pipe connections and authorization in DGRS
- Revision UFG;
- Pipes to cooling towers
- Additional works, pressure tests at the isomerization and cogeneration Units
The quality of the works was certified by TUV Austria and ISCIR Romania.